Josh Mason                   

Project Management:  All  Solo  Collaboration  Primitive Coastal Electronics

An Anxious Host
Aug 2023

An anxious host is described / A grift is detailed / One man’s trash is another man’s garbage / Skull of Cortázar / The aftermath of post office arson is described / The sunken cost is detailed / Goes reptile / The other side of the coin of the confession of the medievalist / Cart dog / Tired to the bone / Spanish House is described

Late one night, in a dimly lit supper club, down some one-way street of the mind, a gathering takes place: a broken painter, a magical realist, a wayward anthropologist, a burgeoning essayist, an exhausted musician—they sit together, for what is likely the first time in a history, to discuss all manner of antagonistic positions toward mechanism, protean natures, tyrannical temperaments and, perhaps above all else — What is value?

For Norm.

Label Students Of Decay (US)
Edition 300—Black
Mastered by Kassian Troyer
Art and Design by Josh Mason
Photography by Carolyn Mason
Filed under:

Artist Copies︎︎︎ 

EU Distro
Students Of Decay︎︎︎

UK Distro

NA Distro
Forced Exposure (US)︎︎︎

A Reliquary
Oct 2022

Relic / Relic / Relic / Relic / Relic / Relic

Careless approval without examination, and a subsequent deception for want of warning. Honors rendered to sampler detritus—the bones and dust of pilgrims and martyrs; of thieves and asses—enclosed in a vessel with candles lit before it.

Art and Sound by Josh Mason
Filed under:

Utility Music
Sep 2021

Newport, 5 July, 1969 / Juan-les-Pins, 25 July, 1969 / New York, 20 August, 1969 / Copenhagen, 4 November, 1969 / San Francisco, 9 April, 1970

Westheimer's Discovery: A couple of months in the laboratory can frequently save a couple hours in the library.

Utility Music is the result of a year long exploration of a Doepfer A-100 modular synthesizer system of my own planning, beginning on January 1, 2019 and ending December 31, 2019. It was my attempt to learn more about the foundational building blocks of synthesis and to explore the idea that interesting and compelling synthesizer-based music can be realized without the aid of modern DSP and "shiny" hardware within the format.

The final audio portion of the project is a mosaic assembled from these weekly stems. Accompanying the CD is a 72 pg. perfect-bound book containing further information on the project as well as weekly point-to-point patch notes and insights into process.

Edition 3 (50, 50, 75)
Artwork, Writing and Design by Josh Mason
Technical Assistance Andrew Weathers
Filed under:
CD, BookDigital

Recreación Segura
Feb 2021

Water Closed To Public / High Hazard / Medium Hazard / Low Hazard / Stinging Marine Life 

I needed to eat breakfast, and I needed to get home—except I can't actually go home anymore. It's all been carried away, and the voice of mind trembles upon recital of this certitude.

And so I find myself itinerant and uncertain; a foreign body. An Idiot, combing a new coast for shards of that old one that may have washed ashore, no matter how woolly salt and separation have left them to be.

But back in the city, accounts of the hour jitter and diverge: Big Jim bellows, signaling St. John's to toll, and when a plastic wristwatch chimes, it occurs to me, and only then, that this new dialect—does actually have a familiar cadence.

Art and Sound by Josh Mason
Filed under:

My wristwatch is broken, but my life is repaired.