Fans & Stoves is named after a Northeast Florida antique shop that is/was run by some nice old ladies that had multiple seller’s stalls packed to the gills with all manner of bric-a-brac and sundries…which is basically what this is, a collection of all analog tools for when you wish you had “just one more xyz” in your case:
Attenuator, Symmetrical Slew Limiter, Bi-Directional Half-Wave Splitter/Mixer, Noise Generator, Sample & Hold, VCA, DC Offset Generator, Fixed Threshold Comparator
Size 8HP
Depth 44m (with power header)
Construction FR4, Analog SMD
Power +31/-20mA (quiescent)
Attenuator, Symmetrical Slew Limiter, Bi-Directional Half-Wave Splitter/Mixer, Noise Generator, Sample & Hold, VCA, DC Offset Generator, Fixed Threshold Comparator
Size 8HP
Depth 44m (with power header)
Construction FR4, Analog SMD
Power +31/-20mA (quiescent)